Betrouwbare kennis over psychische problemen bij kinderen en jongeren

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Bak, M., et al. (2011). Acute ingrijpmedicatie: literatuuroverzicht en aanbevelingen. Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie, 53, 727-737.

Broadstock, M. (2001). The effectiveness and safety of drug treatment for urgent sedation in psychiatric emergencies. A critical appraisal of the literature. New Zealand Health Technology Assessment (NZHTA), 4(1).

DosReis, S., Barnett, S., et al. (2003). A guide for managing acute aggressive behaviour of youths in residential and inpatient treatment facilities. Psychiatric services – oktober 2003, 54(10).

Royal College of Nursing (2005). Violence. The short-term management of disturbed/violent behaviour in in-patient psychiatric settings and emergency departments. London.

Masters, K.J., Bellonci, C,. et al. (2002). Practice parameter for the management of aggressive behavior in child and adolescent psychiatric institutions, with special reference to seclusion and restraint. JAAACP, 41(2) supplement; 4S-25S.

Sonnier, L., et al. (2011). Pharmacologic management of acutely agitated paediatric patients. Pediatric Drugs, 13, 1-10.