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Aerde, K.J. van, Kalverdijk, L.J., Reimer, A.G., & Widdershoven, J.A.M. (2008). QT-tijdverlenging en psychofarmaca bij kinderen en jeugdigen: voorstel voor een richtlijn. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskunde, 32, 1765-1770.

Al-Qadheeb, N.S., Balk, E.M., Fraser, G.L., Skrobik, Y., Riker, R.R., Kress, J.P., (2014). Randomized ICU trials do not demonstrate an association between interventions that reduce delirium duration and short-term mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care Medicine, 42(6), 1442-54.

Ayd, F.J. Jr. (1978). Haloperidol: twenty years clinical experience. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 39, 807-814.

Hatherill, S., Flisher, A.J., & Nassen, R. (2010). Delirium among children and adolescents in an urban sub-Saharan African setting. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 69(2), 187-92.

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (NVvP) (2014). Multidisciplinaire Richtlijn Pediatrisch Delier. De Tijdstroom.

Page, V.J. (2013). Prophylactic haloperidol: too early to lose hope – author’s reply. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 1(8), e28.

Ratcliff, S.L., Meyer, W.J., Cuervo, L.J., Villarreal, C., Thomas, C.R., & Herndon, D.N. (2004). The use of haloperidol and associated complications in the agitated, acutely ill pediatric burn patient. The Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, 25(6), 472-8.

Schieveld, J.N., Leroy, P.L., van Os, J., Nicolai, J., Vos, G.D., & Leentjens, A.F. (2007). Pediatric delirium in critical illness: phenomenology, clinical correlates and treatment response in 40 cases in the pediatric intensive care unit. Intensive Care Medicine, 33(6), 1033-40.

Slooff, V. D., Spaans, E., van Puijenbroek, E., Jessurun, N., van Beusekom, B. S., de Hoog, M., Tibboel, D., & de Wildt, S. N. (2014). Adverse events of haloperidol for the treatment of delirium in critically ill children. Intensive Care Medicine, 40(10), 1602.