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Aman, M., De Smedt, G., Derivan, A., Lyons, B., & Findling, R. (2002). Double-blind placebo-controlled study of risperidone for the treatment of disruptive behaviors in children with subaverage intellingence. American journal of psychiatry159, 1337-1346.

Aman, M.G., Buican, B., & Arnold, L.E. (2003). Methylphenidate treatment in children with borderline IQ and mental retardation : analysis of three aggregated studies. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 13, 29-40.

Agarwal, V., Sithole, P., Kumar, S., & Prasad, M. (2001). Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of clonidine in hyperactive children with mental retardation. Mental Retardation, 39, 259-267.

Arnold, M.E., Aman, M.G., Cook, A., Witwer, K., Hall, S.T., & Yasar, R. (2006). Atomoxetine for Hyperactivity in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Placebo-Controlled Crossover Pilot Trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 45, 1196-1205.

Bellinghen, M. van & Troch, C. de (2001). Ripseridone in the treatment of behavioral Distrurbance in children and adolescents with borderline intellectual functioning: Double blind, placebo-controlled Pilot trial. Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, 11, 5-13.

Braam, W., Smits, M., Didden, E., Korzilius, H., Geijlswijk I. van, & Curfs, L. (2009). Exogenous melatonin for sleep problems in individuals with intellectuel disability: a meta-analysis. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 51, 340-349.

Buitelaar, J., Gaag, R.J. van der, Cohen-Kettenis, P., Melman, C. (2001). A randomized controlled trial of risperidone in the treatment of aggression in hospitalized adolescents with subaverage cognitive abilities. Journal Clinical Psychiatry, 62, 239-248.

Coppola, G., Iervolin, G., Mastrosimone, M., La Torre, G., Ruiu, F., & Pascotto, A. (2004). Melatonine in wke-sleep disorders in children, adolescents and Young adults with mental retardation wit hor without epilepsy: a double blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled trial. Brain and development, (26) 373-376.

Correia Filho, A., Bordonese, R., Silva, T., Alvares, J., Aman, M., & Rohde, L. (2005). Comparison of risperidonea and methylphenidate for reducing ADHD in chuldren and adolescents with moderate mental retardation. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 44, 748-755.

Handen, B.L., Jonosky, J., Mcauliffe, S., Breaux, A.M., & Feldman, H. (1994). Prediction of respons to methylphenidate among children with ADHD and mental retardation. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 33, 1185-1193.

Handen, B.L., Jonosky, J., Mcauliffe, S. (1997). Long-term follow-up of children with mental retardation/borderline intellectual functioning and ADHD. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 25, 287-295.

Handen, B.L. & Gilchrist, R. (2006). Practioner Review: Psychopharmacology in children and adolescents with mental retardation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47,871-882.

Hellings, J., Zarcone, J., Reese, R., Valdovinos, M., Marquis, J., Fleming, K., et al. (2006). A crossover syudy of risperidone in choldren, adolescents and adults with mental retardation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36, 401-411.

Hellings, J., Zarcone, J., Crandall, K., Wallace, D., & Schroeder, S. (2001). Weight gain in a controlled study of risperidone in children, adolescents and adults with mental retardation. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 11, 229-238.

Pearson, D.A., Santos, C.W., Casat, C.D., Lane, D.M., Jerger, S.W., Roache, J.D., et al. (2004). Treatment Effects of Methylphenidate on Cognitive Functioning in Children With Mental Retardation and ADHD, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 677-685.

Pearson, D.A., Lane, D.M., Santos, C.W., Casat, C.D., Jerger, S.W., Loveland, K.A., et al. (2004). Effects of Methylphenidate Treatment in Children With Mental Retardation and ADHD: Individual Variation in Medication Response, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 686-698.

Reyes, M., Croonenberghs, J., Augustyns, I., & Eerdekens, M. (2006). Long-term use of risperidone in children with disruptive behavior disorders and subaverage intelligence: Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 16, 260-272.

Snyder, R., Turgay, A., Aman, M., Binder, C., Fisman, S., & Carroll, A. (2002). Effects of risperidone on conduct and disruptive behavior disorders in children with subaverage IQ’s. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 41, 1026-1036.

Tyrer, P., Oliver-Africano, P., Romeo, R., Knapp, M., Dickens, S., Bouras, N., et al. (2009). Neuroleptics in the treatment of aggressive challenging behaviour for people with intellectual disabilities:a randomised controlled trial. Health Technology Assessment, 13, 1-54.

Zarcone, J., Hellings, J., Crandall, K., Reese, R., Marquis, J., Fleming, K., Shores, R., et al. (2001). Effects of ripseridone on aberrant behavior of persons with Developmental Disabilities: I. A Double-Blind crossover study Using multiple measures.American journal on mental retardation, 106, 525-538.