Betrouwbare kennis over psychische problemen bij kinderen en jongeren

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Beer, R., & Tobias, K. (2011). Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij jongeren met een eetstoornis. Eten zonder Angst. Kind en Adolescent. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

Bohon, C., & Stice, E. (2012). Negative affect and neural response to palatable food intake in bulimia nervosa. Appetite58(3), 964-970.

Bögels, S. (2014). Protocollaire behandelingen voor kinderen en adolescenten met psychische klachten. C. Braet (Ed.). Amsterdam: Boom.

Braet, C., Claus, L., Goossens, L., Moens, E., Van Vlierberghe, L., & Soetens, B. (2008). Differences in eating style between overweight and normal-weight youngsters. Journal of health psychology, 13(6), 733-743.

Braet C, Moens E & Mels, S. (2008) Multidisciplinaire behandeling van kinderen met overgewicht. In: Braet C & Bögels S (red.), Protocollaire behandeling van kinderen metpsychische problemen. Amsterdam: Boom, 2008.

Bryant‐Waugh, R. J., Cooper, P. J., Taylor, C. L., & Lask, B. D. (1996). The use of the eating disorder examination with children: a pilot study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 19(4), 391-397.

Cooper, P. J., & Fairburn, C. G. (1993). Confusion over the core psychopathology of bulimia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 13(4), 385-389.

Cotton, M.-A., Ball, C., & Robinson, P. (2003). Four Simple Questions Can Help Screen for Eating Disorders. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 18(1), 53–56.

Dalle Grave, R., Calugi, S., Centis, E., El Ghoch, M., & Marchesini, G. (2010). Cognitive-behavioral strategies to increase the adherence to exercise in the management of obesity. Journal of obesity, 2011.

Decaluwé, V., & Braet, C. (1999). Dutch translation of the Child Eating Disorder Examination, authored by C. G. Fairburn, Z. Cooper, & R. Bryant-Waugh. Unpublished manuscript. Op aanvraag verkrijgbaar bij Dr. L. Goossens, Universiteit van Gent, Afdeling Ontwikkelings- , Persoonlijkheids- en Sociale Psychologie, Henri Dunantlaan 2, B-9000 Gent, Belgie. E-mail:

Decaluwé V & Braet C (2003) Prevalence of binge-eating disorder in obese children. and adolescents seeking weight-loss treatment. International Journal of Obesity 27-404-409.

Decaluwé, V & Braet, C. (2004). Assessment of eating disorder psychopathology in obese children and adolescents: interview versus self-report questionnaire. Behaviour Research and Therapy 42: 799–811.

Eisler I. (2005). The empirical and theoretical base of family therapy and multiple family day therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa. Journal of Family Therapy: 27: 104-131.

Elzakkers, I. F., Danner, U. N., Hoek, H. W., Schmidt, U., & Elburg, A. A. (2014). Compulsory treatment in anorexia nervosa: a review. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47(8), 845-852.

Fairburn CG, Cooper Z, Doll HA, Norman P, O’Connor M. (2000). The natural course of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder in young woman. Archives of General Psychiatry; 57: 659-665

Fleminger, S., Vermeulen, S.J. (2014). MGDB: meergezinsdagbehandeling voor jongeren met een eetstoornis. S.L., s.n.

Bateman, A., & Fonagy, P. (2013). Mentalization-based treatment. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 33(6), 595-613.

Godart N, Berthoz S, Curt F, Perderau F, Rein Z, Wallier J, Horreard A-S, Kaganski I, Lucet R, Atger F, Corcos M, Fermanian J, Falissard B, Flament M, Eisler I, & Jeammet (2012). A randomized controlled trial of adjunctive family therapy and treatment as usual following inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa adolescents. PloS one, 7(1), e28249.

Goldschmidt, A. B., Doyle, A. C., & Wilfley, D. E. (2007). Assessment of binge eating in overweight youth using a questionnaire version of the child eating disorder examination with instructions. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 40(5), 460-467.

Goossens, L., Boone, L., Van Durme, K., & Matton, A. (2013). Protocollaire behandeling van anorexia nervosa bij adolescenten: familietherapie. In C. Braet & S. Bögels (Eds.), Protocollaire behandelingen voor kinderen en adolescenten met psychische klachten 2 (pp. 17–42). Amsterdam, Nederland: Boom.

Goossens, L., Braet, C., Van Vlierberghe, L., & Mels, S. (2009). Loss of control over eating in overweight youngsters: the role of anxiety, depression and emotional eating. European Eating Disorders Review, 17(1), 68-78.

Goossens, L., Soenens, B., & Braet, C. (2009). Prevalence and characteristics of binge eating in an adolescent community sample. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 38: 342–353.

Goossens L, Braet C, Bosmans G & Decaluwé V (2011). Loss of control over eating in pre-adolescent youth: the role of attachment and self-esteem. Eating Behaviors 12: 289-295.

Goossens, L., Braet, C., & Jansen, A. (2014). Eetproblemen in de adolescentie. In Handboek klinische ontwikkelingspsychologie (pp. 443-466). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

Gowers, S. G. (2008). Management of eating disorders in children and adolescents. Archives of disease in childhood, 93(4), 331-334.

Hilbert, A., Hartmann, A. S., Czaja, J., & Schoebi, D. (2013). Natural course of preadolescent loss of control eating. Journal of abnormal psychology, 122(3), 684.

Hilbert, A., De Zwaan, M., & Braehler, E. (2012). How frequent are eating disturbances in the population? Norms of the eating disorder examination-questionnaire. PloS one, 7(1), e29125.

Jansen, A. (2006). Eerst de eetstoornis, dan de persoonlijkheidsproblematiek? Kind en Adolescent, 4, 168-171.

Jansen, A., Elgersma, H. & Mulkens, S. (2008). Protocollaire behandelingen voor kinderen met psychische klachten. Braet, C. & Bögels, S. (eds.). Maarssen, NL: De Tijdstroom, p. 473 – 502 30 p.

Jansen, A., Nederkoorn, C., Roefs, A., Bongers, P., Teugels, T., & Havermans, R. (2011). The proof of the pudding is in the eating: Is the DEBQ‐external eating scale a valid measure of external eating? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 44(2), 164-168.

Kass, A. E., Kolko, R. P., & Wilfley, D. E. (2013). Psychological treatments for eating disorders. Current opinion in psychiatry, 26(6), 549.

Kaye W (2008). Neurobiology of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Physiology and Behavior 94: 121-135.

Kessler, R. C., Berglund, P. A., Chiu, W. T., Deitz, A. C., Hudson, J. I., Shahly, V., … & Bruffaerts, R. (2013). The prevalence and correlates of binge eating disorder in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Biological psychiatry, 73(9), 904-914.

LaGrange, D., Hoste, R. R., Lock, J., & Bryson, S. W. (2011). Parental expressed emotion of adolescents with anorexia nervosa: Outcome in family‐based treatment. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 44(8), 731-734.

LaGrange, D., & Schmidt, U. (2005). The treatment of adolescents with bulimia nervosa. Journal of Mental Health, 14(6), 587-597.

Lange, A. (2001). De Ouder-Kind Interactie Vragenlijst – Revised. Verantwoording en handleiding. Houten, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

Lock, J., Garrett, A., Beenhakker, J., & Reiss, A.L. (2011). Aberrant brain activation during a response inhibition task in adolescent eating disorder subtypes. American Journal of Psychiatry 168:55-64.

Lock, J., & Le Grange, D. (2001). Can family-based treatment of anorexia nervosa be manualized? The Journal of psychotherapy practice and research, 10(4), 253.

Lock, J., & Le Grange, D. (2012). Treatment manual for anorexia nervosa: A family-based approach (2nd ed.). New York, NY, US: Guilford Press.

Lock, J., Le Grange, D., Agras, W. S., Moye, A., Bryson, S. W., & Jo, B. (2010). Randomized clinical trial comparing family-based treatment with adolescent-focused individual therapy for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Archives of general psychiatry, 67(10), 1025-1032.

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McIntosh, V. V., Jordan, J., Carter, F. A., Luty, S. E., McKenzie, J. M., Bulik, C. M., … & Joyce, P. R. (2005). Three psychotherapies for anorexia nervosa: a randomized, controlled trial. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(4), 741-747.

Morgan J.F, Reid F., Lacey J.H. (1999). The SCOFF questionnaire: assessment of a new screening tool for eating disorders BMJ; 319 :1467

Nederkoorn C Braet C, Van Eijs Y, Tanghe A, Jansen A. (2006). Why obese children cannot resist food: the role of impulsivity. Eating Behaviors 7: 315-322

Probst, M., Vandereycken, W., Vanderlinden, J., & Van Coppenolle, H. (1998). The significance of body size estimation in eating disorders: Its relationship with clinical and psychological variables. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 24(2), 167-174.

Roedelof, A. J. M., Bongers, I. L., & van Nieuwenhuizen, C. (2013). Treatment engagement in adolescents with severe psychiatric problems: a latent class analysis. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 22(8), 491-500.

Schapman-Williams, A. M., & Lock, J. (2007). Using cognitive-behavioral therapy to treat adolescent-onset bulimia nervosa: A case study. Clinical Case Studies, 6(6), 508-524.

Shomaker, L. B., Bruggink, S., Pivarunas, B., Skoranski, A., Foss, J., Chaffin, E., … & Broderick, P. (2017). Pilot randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness-based group intervention in adolescent girls at risk for type 2 diabetes with depressive symptoms. Complementary therapies in medicine, 32, 66-74.

Tanofsky-Kraff, M., Han, J. C., Anandalingam, K., Shomaker, L. B., Columbo, K. M., Wolkoff, L. E., … & Yanovski, S. Z. (2009). The FTO gene rs9939609 obesity-risk allele and loss of control over eating–. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 90(6), 1483-1488.

Tanofsky-Kraff, M., Goossens, L., Eddy, K. T., Ringham, R., Goldschmidt, A., Yanovski, S. Z., … & Yanovski, J. A. (2007). A multisite investigation of binge eating behaviors in children and adolescents. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 75(6), 901.

Tanofsky-Kraff, M., Shomaker, L. B., Olsen, C., Roza, C. A., Wolkoff, L. E., Columbo, K. M., … & Yanovski, J. A. (2011). A prospective study of pediatric loss of control eating and psychological outcomes. Journal of abnormal psychology, 120(1), 108.

Tanofsky-Kraff, M., Shomaker, L. B., Wilfley, D. E., Young, J. F., Sbrocco, T., Stephens, M., … & Vannucci, A. (2014). Targeted prevention of excess weight gain and eating disorders in high-risk adolescent girls: a randomized controlled trial–. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 100(4), 1010-1018.

Ten Broeke, E., De Jongh, A., & Oppenheim, H. J. (2008). Praktijkboek EMDR: Casusconceptualisatie en specifieke patiëntengroepen. Amsterdam: Harcourt.

Treasure J, Claudino AM, Zucker N. (2010). Eating disorders. Lancet; 375: 583-593.

Treasure, J., Smith, G., & Crane, A. (2016). Skills-based caring for a loved one with an eating disorder: The new Maudsley method. Routledge.

Trimbos 2006b, Landelijk Basisprogramma eetstoornissen

Vandereycken W, Noordenbos G. (2008). Handboek Eetstoornissen. De Tijdstroom, Utrecht, tweede herziene druk

Van Elburg, A. A., & Rijken, M. (2004). Jongeren met eetstoornissen. Uitgeverij Van Gorcum.

Van Ommen, J., Meerwijk, E. L., Kars, M., Van Elburg, A., & Van Meijel, B. (2009). Effective nursing care of adolescents diagnosed with anorexia nervosa: the patients’ perspective. Journal of clinical nursing, 18(20), 2801-2808.

Van Strien, T. (2002). Eating Disorder Inventory II— Nederlandse Versie (EDI-II-NL) [Dutch Version]. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Swets Test Publishers

Vitousek, K. B., Daly, J., & Heiser, C. (1991). Reconstructing the internal world of the eating‐disordered individual: Overcoming denial and distortion in self‐report. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 10(6), 647-666.

Vos, R., Elgersma, H., & Jansen, A. (2013). Smaakk!: Een blended behandelprogramma voor jongeren met eetstoornissen. Assen: Expertisenetwerk Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie.

Vos, R., Elgersma, H., & Nauta, M. (2014). Www. 99gram. nl voor jongeren: van online informatie over lijf en leven tot hulp bij eetproblemen. Psychopraktijk, 6(2), 35-37.

Wilson, G. T. (2010). Eating disorders, obesity and addiction. European Eating Disorders Review, 18(5), 341-351.

Wilson, G. T., Vitousek, K. M., & Loeb, K. L. (2000). Stepped care treatment for eating disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(4), 564.