Betrouwbare kennis over psychische problemen bij kinderen en jongeren

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Beidel, D.C., Turner, S.M., Sallee, F.R., Ammerman, R.T., Crosby, L.A., & Pathak, S. (2007). SET-C versus fluoxetine in the treatment of childhood social phobia. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 46,1622-1632.

Bernstein, G.A., Borchardt, C.M., Perwien, A.R., Crosby, R.D., Kushner, M.G., Thuras, P.D., e.a. (2000). Imipramine plus cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of school refusal. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 276-383.

Bernstein, G.A., Hektner, J.L., Borchardt, C.M., & McMillan, M.H. (2001). Treatment of school refusal: one-year follow up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40, 206-213.

Birmaher, B., Axelson, D.A., Monk, K., Kalas, C., Clark, D.B., Ehmann, M., e.a. (2003). Fluoxetine for the treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42,415-23.

Clark, D. B., Birmaher, B., Axelson, D., Monk, K., Kalas, C., Ehmann, M., Bridge, J., … Brent, D. (2005). Fluoxetine for the Treatment of Childhood Anxiety Disorders: Open-Label, Long-Term Extension to a Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 44 (12), 1263-1270.

Ipser, J.C., Stein, D.J., Hawkridge, S., & Hoppe, L. (2009). Pharmacotherapy for anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 3, CD005170.

Research Unit on Pediatric Psychopharmacology Anxiety Study Group. (2001). Fluvoxamine for the treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. New England Journal of Medicine, 344,1279-1285.

Research Unit on Pediatric Psychopharmacology Anxiety Study Group. (2002). Treatment of pediatric anxiety disorders: an open-label extension of the Research Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology anxiety study. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 12, 175-188.

Rynn, M.A., Riddle, M.A., Yeung, P.P., & Kunz, N.R. (2007). Efficacy and safety of extended-release venlafaxine in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder in children and adolescents: two placebo-controlled trials. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 290-300.

Rynn, M.A., Siqueland, L., & Rickles, K. (2001). Placebo-controlled trial of sertraline in the treatment of children with generalized anxiety disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 2008-2014.

Verbeek, E.J., Helfrich, E., & Kalverdijk, L.J. (2010). Off-label gebruik van geneesmiddelen in de kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie. Psyfar, 4,12 -19.

Wagner, K.D., Berard, R., Stein, M.D., Wetherhold, E., Carpenter, D.J., Perera, P., e.a. (2004). A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of paroxetine in children and adolescents with social anxiety disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 61,1153-1162.

Walkup, J.T., Albano, A.M., Piacentini, J., Birmaher, B., Compton, S.N., Sherrill J.T., e.a. (2008). Cognitive behavioral therapy, sertraline, or a combination in childhood anxiety. New England Journal of Medicine, 359, 2753-2766.