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David Heyne

David Heyne

David Heyne is Associate Professor in the Developmental and Educational Psychology Unit of the Institute of Psychology at Leiden University. He obtained a post-graduate diploma in educational psychology, a master’s degree in counselling psychology, and his PhD in clinical child psychology. He was clinical services manager for the treatment outcome program in the Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psychology at Monash University, and held a post as Senior Lecturer in the postgraduate child psychiatry training program at the University of Melbourne. At Leiden University he is engaged in teaching (CBT with youth; developmental psychopathology) and research (treatment for school refusal; risk profiles for school attendance problems; assessment tools).

David Heyne


  • The development and evaluation of interventions for young people who find it difficult to attend school as a result of anxiety and depression, including intervention with the parents of these young people and with school staff.
  • The development and evaluation of assessment tools for understanding the needs of youth and families affected by school attendance problems.
  • Establishing risk profiles for different type of school attendance problems.
  • Testing the feasibility of a school-based framework for identifying and intervening with school attendance problems.


  • Heyne, D., Gren-Landell, M., Melvin, G., & Gentle-Genitty, C. (2018). Differentiation between school attendance problems: Why and how? Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
  • Maynard, B.R., Heyne, D., Brendel, K.E., Bulanda, J.J., Thompson, A.M., & Pigott, T.D. (2018). Treatment for school refusal among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 28, 56-67.
  • Maynard, B.R., Vaughn, M.G., Nelson, E.J., Salas-Wright, C.P., Heyne, D.A., Kremer, K.P. (2017). Truancy in the United States: Examining temporal trends and correlates by race, age, and gender. Children and Youth Services Review, 81, 188-196.
  • Heyne, D., Vreeke, L.J., Maric, M., Boelens, D., & van Widenfelt, B.M. (2017). Functional assessment of school attendance problems: An adapted version of the School Refusal Assessment Scale – Revised. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 25, 178-192.
  • Heyne, D.A, Sauter, F.M., & Maynard, B.R. (2015). Moderators and mediators of treatments for youth with school refusal or truancy. In M. Maric, P.J.M. Prins, & T.H. Ollendick (Eds.), Moderators and mediators of youth treatment outcomes (pp. 230-266). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Manassis, K., Lee, T. C., Bennett, K., Zhao, X.Y., Mendlowitz, S., Duda, S., Saini, M., Wilansky, P., Baer, S., Barrett, P., Bodden, D., Cobham, V.E., Dadds, M.R., Flannery-Schroeder, E., Ginsburg, G., Heyne, D., Hudson, J.L., Kendall, P.C., Liber, J., Masia-Warner, C., Nauta, M.H., Rapee, R.M., Silverman, W., Siqueland, L., Spence, S.H., Utens, E., & Wood, J.J. (2014). Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: A preliminary meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82, 1163-1172.
  • Heyne, D., Sauter, F.M., Ollendick, T.H., van Widenfelt, B.M., & Westenberg, P.M. (2014). Developmentally sensitive cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescent school refusal: Rationale and illustration. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 17, 191-215.
  • Heyne, D. A., & Sauter, F. M. (2013). School refusal. In C. A. Essau, & T. H. Ollendick (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety (pp. 471-517). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Limited.
  • Heyne, D., Sauter, F. M., van Widenfelt, B. M., Vermeiren, R., & Westenberg, P. M. (2011). School refusal and anxiety in adolescence: Non-randomized trial of a developmentally-sensitive cognitive behavioral therapy. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 870-878. Doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2011.04.006
  • Heyne, D., King, N., Tonge, B., Rollings, S., Young, D., Pritchard, M., & Ollendick, T. (2002). Evaluation of child therapy and caregiver training in the treatment of school refusal. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41, 687-695.

Projecten en overige

  • ‘Weten wat Werkt’: Een landelijke veld-inventarisatie naar werkzame factoren in bestaande interventies voor schoolweigering onder kinderen en jongeren.
  • ‘KiTeS – Kids and Teens @ School’: School non-attendance in students with intellectual disability.
  • ‘LANS – Leerlingen Allemaal Naar School: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the @school protocol for school refusal.
  • ‘Back2School’: Randomized controlled trial of a modular cognitive behavioral intervention for youths with problematic school absenteeism.
  • ‘On The Frontline’: Feasibility of a school-based framework for identifying and intervening with school attendance problems.
  • ‘PMA for School Attendance Problems’: Feasibility of progressive mental alignment for youth displaying school refusal or truancy.