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Catrien Reichart

Catrien Reichart

Catrien Reichart is werkzaam als coördinerend hoofd patiëntenzorg, opleider kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie en opleider psychotherapie bij Curium-LUMC. Voorheen was ze werkzaam als programmaleider angst- en stemmingsstoornissen bij Curium-LUMC.

Catrien Reichart


  • Angststoornissen
  • Stemmingsstoornissen


  • Wals M, Hillegers MHJ, Reichart CG, Verhulst FC, Nolen WA, Ormel J. Stressful life events and onset of mood disorders in children of bipolar parents during 14-month follow-up. J Affect Disord. 2005 Aug;87: 253-263
  • Reichart CG, van der Ende J, Wals M, Hillegers MHJ, Ormel J, Nolen WA, Verhulst FC. The use of the GBI as predictor of bipolar disorder in a population of adolescent offspring of parents with a bipolar disorder. J Affect Disord. 2005; 89:147-155
  • Wals M, Reichart CG, Hillegers MHJ, Nolen WA, Van Os J, Verhulst F , Ormel J. Prediction of change in level of problem behavior among children of bipolar parents. Acta Psychiatrica Scand. 2006; 113: 23-30
  • Reichart CG, van der Ende J, Wals M, Hillegers MHJ, Ormel J, Nolen WA, Verhulst FC. Perceived parental rearing of bipolar offspring. Acta Psychiatrica Scand. 2007; 115: 21-28
  • C. Reichart, J. van der Ende, M. Wals, M. Hillegers, W. Nolen, J. Ormel, F. Verhulst. Social functioning of bipolar offspring Journal of Affective Disorders, 2007; 98: 207-213
  • Nauta MH, Festen H Reichart CG, Nolen WA, Stant AD, Bockting CL, van der Wee NJ, Beekman A, Doreleijers TA, Hartman CA, de Jong PJ, de Vries SO. Preventing mood and anxiety disorders in youth: a multi-centre RCT in the high risk offspring of depressed and anxious patients. BMC Psychiatry. 2012 Apr 17;12:31
  • Festen H, Schipper K, de Vries SO, Reichart CG, Abma TA, Nauta MH. Parents’ perceptions on offspring risk and prevention of anxiety and depression: a qualitative study. BMC Psychol. 2014 Jun 30;2(1):17
  • Mesman E, Nolen WA, Reichart CG, Wals M, Hillegers MH. The Dutch bipolar offspring study: 12-year follow-up. Am J Psychiatry. 2013 May 1;170(5):542-9
  • 9. Mesman E, Birmaher BB, Goldstein BI, Goldstein T, Derks EM, Vleeschouwer M, Hickey MB, Axelson D, Monk K, Diler R, Hafeman D, Sakolsky DJ, Reichart CG, Wals M, Verhulst FC, Nolen WA, Hillegers MH. Categorical and dimensional psychopathology in Dutch and US offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: A preliminary cross-national comparison. J Affect Disord. 2016 Nov 15;205:95-102
  • Bas-Hoogendam JM, Harrewijn A, Tissier RLM, van der Molen MJW, van Steenbergen H4, van Vliet IM, Reichart CG, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Slagboom PE, van der Wee NJA3, Westenberg PM. The Leiden Family Lab study on Social Anxiety Disorder: A multiplex, multigenerational family study on neurocognitive endophenotypes. 2018 Jun;27(2) Int J Methods Psychiatr Res.):e1616

Projecten en overige

Betrokken bij o.a.:

  • Re-Pair studie: Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen ouder-adolescent interacties en depressieve symptomen in adolescente
  • MARIO: Mood and Resilience in Offspring