Betrouwbare kennis over psychische problemen bij kinderen en jongeren

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Akmatov, M. K., Ermakova, T., & Bätzing, J. (2019). Psychiatric and nonpsychiatric comorbidities among children with ADHD: an exploratory analysis of nationwide claims data in Germany. Journal of Attention Disorders, 25(6), 874–884.

Fabiano GA, Pelham WE Jr, Waschbusch DA, Gnagy EM, Lahey BB, Chronis AM, Onyango AN, Kipp H, Lopez-Williams A, Burrows-Maclean L. A practical measure of impairment: psychometric properties of the impairment rating scale in samples of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and two school-based samples. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2006 Sep;35(3):369-85. doi: 10.1207/s15374424jccp3503_3. PMID: 16836475.

Fliers, E.A. (2010). Motor coordination in children with ADHD: clinical, familial and genetic aspects. Proefschrift, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.

Gezondheidsraad (2014). ADHD: medicatie en maatschappij. Den Haag: Gezondheidsraad.

Huh, Y., Choi, I., Song, M., Kim, S., Hong, S.D., & Joung, Y. (2011). A comparison of comorbidity and psychological outcomes in children and adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychiatry Investigations, 8, 95-101.

Martinelli, K. (2023, 30 oktober). ADHD and sleep disorders: Are kids getting misdiagnosed? Since both cause attention problems, they can be difficult to tease apart. Child Mind Institute. Geraadpleegd op 12 januari 2024, van

Matthies, S. D., & Philipsen, A. (2014). Common ground in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and borderline personality disorder (BPD)–review of recent findings. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 1(1), 3.

Mulraney, M., Arrondo, G., Musullulu, H., Iturmendi-Sabater, I., Cortese, S., Westwood, S., Donno, F., Banaschewski, T., Simonoff, E., Zuddas, A., Döpfner, M., Hinshaw, S. P., & Coghill, D. (2022). Systematic review and Meta-analysis: Screening Tools for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 61(8), 982–996.

Mueller AK, Fuermaier AB, Koerts J, Tucha L. Stigma in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. 2012;4(3):101-14. doi:10.1007/s12402-012-0085-3.

Muskens, J., Velders, F. P., & Staal, W. (2017). Medical Comorbidities in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity Disorders: a systematic review. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 26(9), 1093–1103.

Lambregts-Rommelse, N., Tjeenk-Kalff, A., Roording-Ragetlie S. en Luman M. (2022). Neuropsychologisch onderzoek. In R. Lindauer & W. Staal (Red.), Handboek Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie (pp. 126–138). Amsterdam, Nederland: Boom.

Ohan JL, Visser TA, Strain MC, Allen L. Teachers’ and education students’ perceptions of and reactions to children with and without the diagnostic label “ADHD”. J Sch Psychol. 2011;49(1):81-105. doi:10.1016/j.jsp.2010.10.001

Parker A, Corkum P. ADHD Diagnosis: As Simple as Administering a Questionnaire or a Complex Diagnostic Process? J Atten Disord. 2016;20(6):478-86. doi: 10.1177/1087054713495736.

Råstam, M., Täljemark, J., Tajnia, A., Lundström, S., Gustafsson, P., Lichtenstein, P., … & Kerekes, N. (2013). Eating problems and overlap with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders in a nationwide twin study of 9-and 12-year-old children. The Scientific World Journal, 2013.

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Rommelse, N. N., Geurts, H. M., Franke, B., Buitelaar, J. K., & Hartman, C. A. (2011). A review on cognitive and brain endophenotypes that may be common in autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and facilitate the search for pleiotropic genes. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 35(6), 1363-1396.

Storebø, O. J., & Simonsen, E. (2016). The association between ADHD and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) a review. Journal of Attention Disorders, 20(10), 815-824.

Tannock, R. Hum, M. Masellis, T. Humphries, R. Schachar (2002). Teacher Telephone Interview for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and related disorders: DSM-IV version (TTI-IV). The Hospital for Sick Children Brain and Behavior Research Program, Toronto, Canada.

Taurines, R., Schmitt, J., Renner, T., Conner, A.C., Warnke, A., & Romanos, M. (2010). Developmental comorbidity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 2(4), 267–289.

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Warikoo, N., & Faraone, S.V. (2013). Background, clinical features and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Expert Opinion Pharmacotherapy, 14(14), 1-22.